Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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Do you want to install Wordpress on your XP / Vista / localhost?
If yes, well then you are at the right place.
To install Wordpress on your LOCALHOST, you need not be a blogger or a programmer. It isn't rocket science. You can do it just for fun. (Even I don't know anything about HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHP etc. ). Installing Wordpress is very easy and a lot of fun. Installing Wordpress is helpful for those who run their own blog for testing or previewing the changes that they are planning to introduce. For a geek like me its just another reason to spend some more hours on PC.
As I said, it isn't rocket science at all. All you have to do is download two softwares, install them and you are done. Even if you are the dumbest person, It won't take more that an hour. So let's get started.
First thing that you have to do is to download
1.) XAMPP from Here. I have downloaded the EXE (7-Zip) version.
2.) Wordpress from here
After you have downloaded them, you have got all that you need to install Wordpress on XP, Vista.........
Next step is to extract these files and put them together to make the blog up and running.
1.) Extract XAMPP. Click on the XAMPP file and enter the drive letter where you want to install the web softwares ( Apache, MySQL etc.) present inside this file. I have typed in "D:". Therefore everything got installed in " D:XAMPPall the extracted files ". Now you are done with installing XAMPP. XAMPP has installed Apache, MySQL, Filezilla FTP, MercuryMail, phpMyAdmin on your PC. Note, you will be able to view your wordpress blog only when MySQL and Apache, two essential softwares are running. Otherwise, your browser will display an error message. To start Apache and MySQL individually you can use files named apache_start.bat and mysql_start.bat respectively. To stop them use the files called apache_close.bat and mysql_stop.bat. DO NOT CLOSE THE COMMAND PROMPT WINDOW TO STOP THEM. You can also use xampp_start.bat and xampp_stop.bat to start and stop the softwares more conveniently ( I recommend using this combination).
Note: In the folder where all your extracted files are placed, you'll see a folder called " HTDOCS ". This is the directory where all your blog files will be stored. A file placed here i.e." D: XAMPP HTDOCS file.html " will appear as " localhost / file.html ". Moreover a file placed in a subfolder (say "D: XAMPP HTDOCS wordpress file.html") will appear as " localhost / wordpress / file.html ".
2.) Create A Database. For a wordpress software to store information, it need is database. So we will create one. First start Apache and MySQL using Xampp_start. When the window displays " ### APACHE + MYSQL is starting now ### ", proceed further. Start your browser and type "localhost/phpmyadmin/ ". This will take you the place where you will create your database. PhpMyAdmin is the place where you will be administering your databases.
Note : MySQL installs with the default username " root " and no password set. You should change them to more appropriate ones. To create a new database, type the name of the new database in the box above the "create database " button. For demonstration, I will be using WPDB as the database name. Look at the drop down box just beside the one where you entered the database name. Change the selection from "collation" to " utf8_unicode_ci " and hit create database button.
3.) Edit Wordpress. Now we will be configuring the wordpress files. To do so, extract the .zip file you've downloaded from Then search for a file called " wp-config-sample.php ". Right click over it and select edit.
Editing this file is so easy that you can do it by yourself. First put in the database name. WPBD in my case. Then put " root " as your username if you have not changed your mysql username. Next delete the "yourpasswordhere" text and keep it blank because we have no password set right now for MySQL.
Now scroll down to the change the AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY. You have to change these keys to some different , long and unguessable set of words. Remember, all the three keys that you will enter should be different from the other two. You are done with wordpress editing too. Now save this edited files with the name " wp-config.php ". ( Remember to set the 'save as type' to all files while saving the file)
4.) Transporting Wordpress files. Now that you have edited your files, you have to move these files to the "HTDOCS" folder ( explained previously). You can place these files directly in the HTDOCS folder or into a subfolder, it depends upon your choice. I will be placing them in a subfolder called "BLOG". So goto the HTDOCS folder ( D:XAMPPHTDOCS) and create a new folder called BLOG and paste the wordpress files in it or simply into HTDOCS folder.
5.)Installing Wordpress. There nothing to say except this. Enter the title that you want for your blog and your e-mail address and hit Install Wordpress. Then, you will be taken to a page containing your username and password. Save them for further reference and hit login button.
Happy blogging and please do comment on my article is if you liked it......
Source article: Journal and Blogger Labels and Blogger Read More and Blogging Guides and free blog site
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